Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blog Guilt

One of the great tortures of having a blog is neglecting it.  It wouldn't take a reader more than a quick scroll to see how badly mine has been neglected.  This evening, I sat down to write and spent no less than an hour redesigning the visuals of my blog.  I went so far as to go into Adobe Illustrator to create an original picture...for a blog...where I never write...and no one reads.  It is amazing the lengths we will go to not write, and I, for one, have made peace with my aggressive laziness.  

Yet, here I am, and since I have made the design changes, I feel the need to put some words down as well.  The theme of the evening is focus and refocus.  My difficulty with this blog has been a lack of willingness to focus on sharing my ideas and thoughts.  Do I have them?  Oh, my.  Hundreds of times a day.  I have hand-written notebooks filled with thoughts and observations.  I have lacked the FOCUS to put them on paper...or desire.  Which brings me to REFOCUS.  My original focus for this blog (back those many years ago) was to show off my wicked educational technology skills to those on the interwebs who might somehow be impressed.  Well, three kids, two jobs, and a doctorate later...I'm more interested in writing about the things that I enjoy reading. 

So, this is your audience for this blog is now me and my learning.  It you happen to find it interesting, then pull up a chair.  If not, then I am sure there are one or two other bloggers out there you might enjoy.

So, what am I interested in?  Right now, I am into the varied ways people learn.  I am into how we can spin narratives in many different ways, and how EVERYTHING in our current world is about telling a story.  I am into my kids and the crazy stupid things they do.  I am into Marvel movies and Star Wars anything.  I am into coding, and banging my head against the wall to figure out how we can do more to transition our kids into higher level languages.

However, this is just today, and I have full blown Adult ADHD and a brain that won't stop.  Here's hoping I can send those waves to this space more than once a year.