Wednesday, September 25, 2013

#Hashtag - Your Day Has Come #notcool #overkill #killingtheEnglishlanguage

When tech-geeks take over the world, there are some "cool" things that we take too far.  Hashtags - your time has come.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. 1: don’t overuse - use a maximum of two hashtags in your tweets or facebook posts. if you use too many your followers will think you are spamming them.

    2: keep them short - tweets are restricted to 140 characters you don’t want a hashtag taking up 50% of the letters in your tweet, there is however no limit to facebook post length but keep them short to avoid annoying your fans/friends.

    3: define your tag - in a tag directory such as, give your tag a meaning you can also search for the meaning of existing tags.

    4: no spaces - make sure there are no spaces in the words preceding the hashtag or punctuation, as it will break the link.

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