Thursday, March 24, 2011


An unexpected project this year has been our efforts to transform our school to a 1:1 laptop environment.  It started as a conversation about student response systems and ended with us making a commitment to give every 8th and 9th grader a MacBook next school year.  What a whirlwind!  A big first step as a school system was setting the stage for changing the culture.  I developed a presentation called "The Immigrant's Guide to Digital Natives" and traveled to the schools in the district making a case for why our students need and deserve technology in their learning.  Some major reasons are the need to develop 21st century skills, and to EVEN THE PLAYING FIELD.  We are 50% free and reduced lunch and we feel we need to close the gap between the "have's" and "have-nots."

Once we decided on a device, the next step was trying to find a digital learning environment or platform.  Believe me, I have investigated them all.  From pay to free, I have been snooping and free-trialing with varied results.  With the $ we are already spending, programs like Angel and Blackboard aren't a possibility, so we are settling for now on My Big Campus.  MBC is free if you use Lightspeed as your filtering system.  We have some teachers testing it out now with some 6th grade students and everyone is thrilled so far.

The third step in the process (at least a major step) is decided on a response system.  It is strange that this is the one area where we are behind since this is where it all started.  The one I have spent the most time with is QuestionPress.  I have also heard good things about Quizdom.  I would love feedback on response programs which your school has used with good results.

My opinion is that the three major pillars for a 1:1 transition are:

  1. Device
  2. Digital Learning Environment
  3. Student Response System
I am yet to see a school incorporating all three, but I would love some feedback.

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