Friday, March 25, 2011

Partnering in Education

Great essay from Alfie Kohn way back in 2008 in Ed. Week, but it is still true today.  As we incorporate technology into our classrooms, it is important to keep the focus on the teacher.  The technology is just a tool the teacher uses to make them more powerful.  True instructional change comes about with the change in teaching philosophy from the "sage on the stage" to the "guide on the side" or partnering with students.  Student engagement is so low because we have taken the actual learning away from the students and we are attempting to "learn it" for them through spirited lectures instead of giving them the opportunity to dig-in, make mistakes, thoroughly fail, and then put the pieces back together in a meaningful fashion.  Think about it - that's how you learned to walk, ride a bike, or even beat that difficult level in Super Mario Brothers.  It is how we prefer to learn as human beings and our current instructional philosophy is (in some cases) taking that away from our students.

It's Not What We Teach; It's What They Learn

1 comment:

  1. Think about it - that's how you learned to walk, ride a bike, or even beat that difficult level in Super Mario Brothers. It is how we prefer to learn as human beings and our current instructional philosophy is (in some cases) taking that away from our students. technology in the classroom
